5 Benefits of Karela Juice
Bitter gourd or Karela, as we call it in India, is a highly beneficial fruit that contains essential nutrients likes Vitamins, magnesium, potassium,and Iron. It is an excellent dietary fiber that contains twice the amount of calcium of spinach and twice the amount of potassium of bananas.
Let us have a look at additional benefits of this fruit.
Karela Juice Benefits
1. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels
- Bittergourd or Karela is a highly recommended fruit for diabetic patients because it is packed with polypeptide-p or p-insulin which helps control sugar levels naturally.
2. Controls Bad Cholesterol
- Since bitter gourds are inflammatory in nature, they help reduce cholesterol which in turn helps reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack. The fruit is known to be rich in potassium which helps absorb excess sodium in the body. Folic acid helps reduce the risk of a stroke and keeps your heart healthy.
3. It Helps in Weight Loss
- Karela is known to be low in fat, carbohydrates,and calories. Just like water, bitter gourd keeps you full for a long time which in turn helps you control your appetite and keeps you fit. According to a study published in BMC complementary & alternative medicine, it was unveiled that the fruit helps dislocate fat cells and hinders the growth of them.
4. Improves Immune System
- Allergies and indigestion are prevented if you consume karela juice. Antioxidants present in the fruit help fight illness and free-radicals that can cause cancer. According to experts, you can reduce the risk of breast cancer, cervical cancer,and prostate cancer by simply consuming the fruit in liquid form or in its original state.
5. It’s Good for the Eyes
- According to doctors, Karela is good for the eyes as it prevents vision-related problems like cataract. Compounds like Beta Carotene and vitamin A strengthen your vision and helps treat dark circles too.
Note: Kerala Juice benefits are the same as consuming the fruit in its natural taste. However, doctors recommend consuming the fruit in a liquid state as it can be mixed and matched with various ingredients to reduce the bitterness.
Karela Juice Recipe
Most people tend to avoid Bitter gourd because of its taste but let me share a little tip with you to make the juice a lot more tolerable to consume. Firstly, instead of adding white sugar to it, you should add jaggery as it is a natural sweetener and healthier. If you prefer honey, you can add that to your juice.
Sweet fruits like Apples and pears can also help reduce the bitterness along with a pinch of black pepper and grated ginger.
Best Time to Drink Karela Juice
The best time to have this drink is early morning before breakfast and in the evening after work.
Where to Buy Kerala Online?
You can buy Kerala or karela juice online from Amazon, big basket, nature basket and so on. The range of the fruit ranges from wholesaler to wholesaler.
You can also opt for Jamun juice online as it is just as beneficial.
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